site selection

Site selection for a clinical trial is an extensive process that also includes the qualification of sites for participation in the study. Choosing high-quality sites significantly enhances the likelihood of completing the clinical trial within the specified timeframe, and budget, and with scientifically robust outcomes.
Step 1: Define Site Requirements and Selection Criteria.
At Clinique Research, our approach to selecting suitable study sites involves identifying essential criteria such as participant population profile, staffing and facility capabilities, enrollment targets and timelines, study duration, and other pertinent factors. This data forms the foundation for making informed decisions in site selection, ensuring a thorough and appropriate selection process.
Step 2: Identify Sites and Gather Initial Information.
We maintain an up-to-date database containing detailed information on specific sites tailored to various therapeutic areas. This database includes comprehensive data on each site’s size, location, and specialty, as well as detailed datasets showcasing their experience and performance metrics. This wealth of information offers valuable insights into each site’s suitability and affinity for the study at hand.
Step 3: Evaluate and Select the Sites.
We conduct Pre-study visits (PSVs) to comprehensively brief the Principal Investigator regarding the proposed study objectives and to communicate the expectations set forth by the sponsor. During these visits, we also assess the site’s equipment and facilities to ensure they align with the study requirements and standards.